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Lighting Planning Condition Discharge

"We take care of your planning conditions relating to exterior lighting"

We work with contractors, transport planners, civil engineers and architects to discharge planning conditions associated with exterior lighting proposals.


Our planning packages typically consist of the following documents to ensure a hassle free application:


Proposed lighting plan including lux contours to demonstrate impact on surrounding environment.


Lighting calculations detailing light spread including where aplicable vertical lux calculations.


Lighting Mitigation Report - this report details what we've done to mitigate the impact the proposed lighting has.


Lighting Impact Assessment - a review of the proposed lighting and it's impact on the environment.

Typical Condition:

Prior to the installation of any external lighting associated with the development hereby approved, a scheme for the provision of external lighting together with an Artificial Lighting Assessment (including design, size and illuminance) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority

Featured Project: Factory Relocation - Old Great North, Sawtry

Focus Areas:

  • Bat activity

  • Lighting away from perimeter / boundary features 

  • Lighting strategy

Package Provided:

  • Lighting Mitigation Report - detailing proposed lighting specification 

  • Lighting Strategy - including detailed lux contour plans and impacts on surrounding environment

  • Construction Drawings

  • Lighting Calculations

Overcoming Key Issues:

Exterior Lighting Design
  • Lantern optics carefully selected to ensure light is well controlled

  • Rear shielding provided in troublesome locations with lux contours demonstrating shielding impact

  • Low level lighting in locations where light was required but high level lighting would have impacted boundary features. Vertical calculations provided to demonstrate little impact.

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